Restorative Practices: An Alternative to Zero Tolerance Policies
What is an educator to do? Zero tolerance policies haven’t worked in resolving behavioral issues with students in the classroom. Nor has it allowed the student who is misbehaving to learn and better engage with peers and the school environment. What alternative to discipline is working to meet the objectives for student learning and creating a community among students and educators? This workshop will expose participants to Restorative Justice as an alternative to zero tolerance practices. Participants will learn the best practices to implement a Restorative Justice practice. Practical tools will be shared enabling participants to institute this approach upon their return to work.
Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
August 17, 2022
Restorative Practices: An Alternative to Zero Tolerance Policies
Speaker Information
Kenya Spearman
Marty Thompson
Individual topic purchase: Selected
CTA Virtual Pass
2024 Summer Pass Program: 1.25
This seminar is presented free of charge.