Educator's Guide to a Successful Retirement
CTA wants you to have a long and happy retirement. On average, CalSTRS/CalPERS benefits replace only about half a career educator’s salary at retirement, so it is essential that members consider a supplementary retirement savings plan as early as possible to make up the difference. There are a lot of plans offered to educators, but many have high fees or surrender charges.In this session, we help you get started toward a financially secure retirement, review how to avoid suboptimal plans, and discuss the basics of saving for retirement using easy-to-understand terms. We will highlight the CTA 403(b) Retirement Savings Plan, which is the only plan endorsed by CTA and was designed by CTA for educators. The CTA RSP has high-quality investments at a low cost and a simple “quick enrollment” process that makes saving for retirement easy.
Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
August 16, 2022
Educator’s Guide to a Successful Retirement
Speaker Information
Gary Allen
Mindy Bartlett
Individual topic purchase: Selected
CTA Virtual Pass
2024-2025 University Credit Program: 1.25
This seminar is presented free of charge.